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What is superfruits?

You've heard of Superfoods, but…Superfruits? Not every fruit qualifies. Those deemed "super" by nutrition scientists are packed with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and other nutrients that can help you live longer, look better, and even prevent disease.

Why do we need fruits?

Fruits are significant objects because they are the cornerstone to any nutritious lifestyle.

Fruits are important objects as they give us essential micronutrients (vitamins and nutrients) which keep our bodies operating at a suitable and healthy level.

Without fruits our bodies can acquire chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity, as well numerous micronutrient deficiencies such as scurvy and rickets.

Thus, with the evident importance of micronutrients, we dedicate this website to fruits, the lifeblood of the human body.

Pick your fruit










  • Originally from central Asia
  • Grow in various shades of colour such as green, pink, and red
  • Only 95 calories in a medium-sized apple
  • High in fiber, vitamin C and various antioxidants


  • Orginally from México
  • Rich in monounsaturated fats, the avocado has a smooth and creamy texture
  • 68 grams contains 109 calories
  • Contains lots of fiber and are rich in vitamins and minerals, such as B-vitamins, vitamin K, potassium, copper, vitamin E and vitamin C


  • Originate in Southeast Asia, predominantly grown in warmer climates
  • Two types of bananas, either used for regurlar consumption or cooking. Come in various sizes and shades of yellow and green
  • 100 gram banana holds 87 calories
  • Healthy source of fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and various antioxidants and phytonutrients


  • Originally from North America
  • Blue in color, they have a pleasant, sweet taste
  • 148 grams contains 84 calories
  • Benefit heart and brain health, excellent source of several vitamins, beneficial plant compounds and antioxidants, as well as help regulate blood sugar levels

Honeydew Melon

  • Originally from France
  • Usually has pale green sweet and juicy flesh inside a hard rind
  • 60 calories per half-cup
  • High water content and potassium levels make honeydew melon effective at maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.


  • True origin is a mystery, however, they are believed to originate in East Asia
  • Famously 'orange' in colour, they can either be sweet or bitter
  • 47 calories per 100 grams
  • Oranges are a healthy source of fiber, vitamin C, thiamin, folate and antioxidants


  • Orginally from Europe
  • Bright red in color, have a juicy texture, a characteristic aroma, and a sweet flavor
  • 150 grams contains less than 50 calories
  • Excellent source of vitamin C and manganese, and also contain decent amounts of folate (B9) and potassium


  • Originated from the Andes
  • Usually red when mature, however they can come in a variety of colors, and sizes, including yellow, orange, green and purple
  • Even though many people call it a vegetable, the tomato remains to be a fruit
  • 100 gram tomato holds just 18 calories
  • Source of the antioxidant lycopene, which has been linked to many health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer